Simulate datasets from a fitted model, refit the model, and generate a sampling distribution for a user-specified fit-statistic.



a fitted model inheriting class "unmarkedFit"


a function returning a vector of fit-statistics. First argument must be the fitted model. Default is sum of squared residuals.


number of bootstrap replicates


print fit statistic every 'report' iterations during resampling


set seed for reproducible bootstrap


logical (default = TRUE) indicating whether to compute bootstrap on multiple cores, if present. If TRUE, suppresses reporting of bootstrapped statistics. Defaults to serial calculation when nsim < 100. Parallel computation is likely to be slower for simple models when nsim < ~500, but should speed up the bootstrap of more complicated models.


integer (default = one less than number of available cores) number of cores to use when bootstrapping in parallel.


Additional arguments to be passed to statistic


This function simulates datasets based upon a fitted model, refits the model, and evaluates a user-specified fit-statistic for each simulation. Comparing this sampling distribution to the observed statistic provides a means of evaluating goodness-of-fit or assessing uncertainty in a quantity of interest.


An object of class parboot with three slots:


parboot call


Numeric vector of statistics for original fitted model.

nsim by length(t0) matrix of statistics for each simulation fit.


Richard Chandler and Adam Smith

See also


data(linetran) (dbreaksLine <- c(0, 5, 10, 15, 20))
#> [1] 0 5 10 15 20
lengths <- linetran$Length ltUMF <- with(linetran, { unmarkedFrameDS(y = cbind(dc1, dc2, dc3, dc4), siteCovs = data.frame(Length, area, habitat), dist.breaks = dbreaksLine, tlength = lengths*1000, survey = "line", unitsIn = "m") }) # Fit a model (fm <- distsamp(~area ~habitat, ltUMF))
#> #> Call: #> distsamp(formula = ~area ~ habitat, data = ltUMF) #> #> Density: #> Estimate SE z P(>|z|) #> (Intercept) -0.287 0.167 -1.72 0.0852 #> habitatB 0.253 0.198 1.28 0.2000 #> #> Detection: #> Estimate SE z P(>|z|) #> (Intercept) 3.06 0.548 5.57 2.53e-08 #> area -0.13 0.096 -1.35 1.76e-01 #> #> AIC: 165.5482
# Function returning three fit-statistics. fitstats <- function(fm) { observed <- getY(fm@data) expected <- fitted(fm) resids <- residuals(fm) sse <- sum(resids^2) chisq <- sum((observed - expected)^2 / expected) freeTuke <- sum((sqrt(observed) - sqrt(expected))^2) out <- c(SSE=sse, Chisq=chisq, freemanTukey=freeTuke) return(out) } (pb <- parboot(fm, fitstats, nsim=25, report=1))
#> t0 = 113.6884 53.6492 23.19506 #> iter 1 : 51.76656 29.33734 12.13766 #> iter 2 : 86.40796 47.36944 20.79663 #> iter 3 : 101.0376 43.93918 17.6049 #> iter 4 : 119.055 46.61317 18.78843 #> iter 5 : 95.61046 46.82708 16.04149 #> iter 6 : 117.9119 52.39022 17.77974 #> iter 7 : 97.09245 48.89117 23.22477 #> iter 8 : 132.7958 52.14974 17.68474 #> iter 9 : 107.5958 46.70377 17.23415 #> iter 10 : 73.06662 29.29117 11.18831 #> iter 11 : 75.30468 37.47914 14.67528 #> iter 12 : 115.3185 50.47065 22.94304 #> iter 13 : 81.07769 40.60462 15.79172 #> iter 14 : 112.6747 38.32514 13.14837 #> iter 15 : 67.64564 45.55177 13.71304 #> iter 16 : 42.77671 29.09115 13.11265 #> iter 17 : 80.65436 33.16117 11.87273 #> iter 18 : 154.4764 60.23054 25.19856 #> iter 19 : 104.4421 52.93641 23.86797 #> iter 20 : 58.27236 29.40857 11.41073 #> iter 21 : 100.7842 52.87954 18.40903 #> iter 22 : 81.58062 41.29601 15.80306 #> iter 23 : 118.4719 59.95035 21.71737 #> iter 24 : 80.72755 43.11816 17.27023 #> iter 25 : 104.6474 58.91896 17.89389
#> #> Call: parboot(object = fm, statistic = fitstats, nsim = 25, report = 1) #> #> Parametric Bootstrap Statistics: #> t0 mean(t0 - t_B) StdDev(t0 - t_B) Pr(t_B > t0) #> SSE 113.7 19.24 25.96 0.231 #> Chisq 53.6 8.97 9.58 0.115 #> freemanTukey 23.2 6.02 4.07 0.115 #> #> t_B quantiles: #> 0% 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% 100% #> SSE 43 48 81 97 113 141 154 #> Chisq 29 29 38 47 52 60 60 #> freemanTukey 11 11 14 17 19 24 25 #> #> t0 = Original statistic computed from data #> t_B = Vector of bootstrap samples #>
plot(pb, main="")
# Finite-sample inference for a derived parameter. # Population size in sampled area Nhat <- function(fm) { sum(bup(ranef(fm, K=50))) } set.seed(345) (pb.N <- parboot(fm, Nhat, nsim=25, report=5))
#> t0 = 162.2135 #> iter 5 : 151.6393 #> iter 10 : 183.7412 #> iter 15 : 156.2485 #> iter 20 : 179.1255 #> iter 25 : 135.8852
#> #> Call: parboot(object = fm, statistic = Nhat, nsim = 25, report = 5) #> #> Parametric Bootstrap Statistics: #> t0 mean(t0 - t_B) StdDev(t0 - t_B) Pr(t_B > t0) #> 1 162 0.701 15.9 0.462 #> #> t_B quantiles: #> 0% 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% 100% #> t*1 129 132 151 162 174 184 184 #> #> t0 = Original statistic computed from data #> t_B = Vector of bootstrap samples #>
# Compare to empirical Bayes confidence intervals colSums(confint(ranef(fm, K=50)))
#> 2.5% 97.5% #> 117 218